Primose Bakery

I had dinner tonight with my friend Karen before she jet sets for Korea to visit one of our best friends (and the other half of Dress Me Pretty), Gracie. It was also the night, that Christine decided that we could eat her Tiffany cupcakes!! umm...I think I will hang onto mine a little longer still.

Speaking of cupcakes, Karen gave me this book – CUPCAKES FROM THE PRIMROSE BAKERY. So deliriously happy…eeeehehehehe. Well, if it’s good enough for Jude Law and Kate Moss…

I’ve already picked out my next cupcakes to bake:
Honey and Granola Cupcakes

Earl Grey Cupcakes (just for Karen)
Peanut Butter Cupcakes
White Amaretto Cupcakes

Sweet! Sweet!


Gracie said...
June 15, 2010 at 5:30 PM

I want Earl Grey and Peanut Butter!!!!!!! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS!!!!!!!!

what am i gonna do with a cupcake maker and no recipes?? i think i left that book u guys got me at home in syd :(

you'll have to give me some recipes...

Pretty Creations - Makeup and Hair said...
June 15, 2010 at 10:09 PM

Sure hun...let's swap good cupcake recipes. I'm testing out the honey and granola ones this week ; )

Miss Piggy said...
June 16, 2010 at 7:07 AM

OMG I actually went to this bakery and was going to buy the book!! xxx

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